Put A Stop To Bill Shock & Combat Against Rising Electricity Prices In Australia

Protect yourself from the rising electricity prices

If you live in Australia, then chances are you’ve had bill shock through the continuous increase of electricity prices and rates over the past 10 years. For most Australian’s bill shock has been an escalating concern and financial strain that has no sign of being alleviated in the near future.

In the last 10 years alone, electricity prices have spiked immensely seeing an increase of approximately 117%, resulting in many Australians burdened with electricity bills over $1,500 pa!

According to ABC and statistics sourced through Australian Bureau of Statistics, from the 1980s up until the early 2000s, electricity prices tracked fairly close to general consumer price trends and wage increases. However these days as reported by The Guardian and ACCC, the steep increase in electricity prices has not been matched by the growth in other areas of the economy, nor in household income.

This detrimental trend is unfortunately forecast to continue into the next coming years, despite politician election promises to step in.

“Politicians should tell Australians the harsh truth: high wholesale electricity prices are the new normal. High electricity prices, well above $50 per MWh, are here to stay.” Grattan Institute

Needless to say additional factors such as; the electricity plan and retailer you’ve signed up to, their pricing structure and the amount of energy you consume in peak, shoulder and off-peak times, will contribute to the totalling amount of your annual or quarterly bills. However being careful or strategic around these elements still is not enough to protect yourself from the outrages charges by energy retailers per kWh of electricity used.

Peak Most expensive rate 3pm-9pm weekdays*
Shoulder Mid-range 7am-3pm & 9pm-10pm weekdays | 7am-10pm weekends*
Off-peak Cheapest rate 10pm-7am all days*

*Times may vary per energy retailer

How To Combat Against Rising Electricity Prices With Solar

Affordable Solar Systems For Homes

As Australia’s electricity prices continue to be amongst the highest in the world, many households feel helpless against this constant combat against extortionate power bill charges without transitioning into generating their own energy through residential solar.

Today installing solar has become the most effective way of avoiding exorbitant power bills and protecting the average household from increasing electricity rates in Australia.

Since 2010 the price of purchasing and installing a residential solar system has decreased by 80%, making the switch to solar an affordable and cost-effective investment for the typical Australian. Not only can households see up to 80% or $1,500 in savings per year by reduced electricity bills, but dependent on the size system installed and your energy habits, your savings could see you having a return on investment in as little as 3-5 years. This means all further savings go straight into your pocket…or holiday fund!

These days after installing solar David says inclusive of the $150 credit he receives from his excess energy (Feed-in Tariff at 11c) he has seen his bills drop from $400 to around $85 per quarter.

View more case studies like David’s from Australians who have been brought the financial relief of reduced bills and energy independence by installing solar!

Want The Relief Of Reduced Electricity Bills And Energy Independence? Receive Obligation Free Solar Quotes From Solar Providers Local To Your Area!

Why Now Is The Time To Install Solar

Pre and Post Solar Installation in Australia

Protection From Increasing Electricity Prices – By installing a solar system you will be able to generate your own electricity, therefore reducing the amount of electricity you purchase from the grid, resulting in lowered electricity bills.

Government Rebates Are Available! – The Federal Government rebate is available across Australia and can provide rebates up to $4,176 for a residential sized solar system (additional rebates and financial assistance is available in some states).

Solar System Prices Have Never Been Lower! – Decreasing in costs by 80% in the past 10 years, these days you can purchase a larger system, which will generate a more substantial amount of energy, for a much lower and affordable upfront cost. View average System Prices.

Fast Return On Investment – Installing a solar system is a financial investment first and foremost. You pay for the system up front (with the assistance of Government Rebates) and then receive financial returns in the form of reductions on your electricity bills. Most households see a return on investment in as little as 3-5 years. This means all further savings go straight into your pocket…or holiday fund!

Get Paid For What You Don’t Use During The Day – A Feed-in Tariff (FIT) is the amount you’re paid from your energy retailer per unit (kilowatt hour – kWh) of your unused electricity, which your solar PV system has generated. This unused energy goes back to the grid (if you are grid connected and don’t have battery storage) and the payment from the energy retailer will appear as a credit on your electricity bill. Different retailers offer different rates so once your system is installed, it’s worth shopping around for the best rate.

Green Loan Finance Is Available - Green Loans are available to assist in the upfront costs of purchasing solar PV systems. A Green Loan’s low-interest rate can start as low as 6.9% p.a. meaning the savings accumulated from reduced bills could cover your loan repayments.

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