Whether we like it or not we are all being forced to be a bit more energy savvy as electricity prices continue to skyrocket.
If you’re seeing high numbers on your electricity bill then here are a few tips and tricks to help lower your energy consumption and overall costs. If you’re still finding that your bills are high after reducing your energy usage then it may be time to switch to a new energy plan.
1. Use A Power Board
One of the easiest ways to save energy is by switching off all of your appliances when they aren’t in use. Appliances that are left on standby are called “vampires†as they suck energy and increase your power bills.
One of the easiest ways to switch off all your appliances is by switching to power boards. When you aren’t using the linked appliances, switch off the entire board. This will have the same effect as unplugging each appliance from the wall and will protect you from energy loss.
2. Turn Lights Off
It is all well and good to switch your house lighting to LEDs, but remember to also turn lights off when you are not using them.
3. Switch To Fans Instead Of Aircon
It’s easy to fall into the habit of switching the aircon on when we walk in the door but sometimes the traditional fan is all that you need. Annually the cost of running an average pedestal fan is around $23.07. In comparison, it costs around $1000+ to cool your home using an aircon per year.
If aircon is a necessity, ensure you are getting an energy efficient one. To do this compare and get multiple quotes from local aircon installers.
4. Close Your Curtains
Although this one might sound silly, using your curtains to block sunlight coming through your windows is an effective way of cooling your home without any appliances at all.
Blackout curtains can block out almost 24% of the day’s heat.
5. Take Cold Showers In Summer
Did you know that hot water accounts for roughly 25% of your annual home energy use?
A way to reduce this is by having a cold shower during the summer months instead of a hot one.
6. Have Dinner At The Table Instead Of In Front Of The TV
With the introduction of streaming services such as Netflix the average household now spends more dinners in front of the tv.
Want to reduce your energy? Why not have dinner at the family table instead?
7. Vacuum Under And Behind The Fridge
Dust build-up behind your fridge can block its ventilation filters and increase its running temperature. This means it will be using more energy to try and re-cool itself. Use a vacuum to give the back of your fridge a once over!
8. Track Your Energy Use On Your Phone
Want to keep an eye on your energy use? There’s an app for that! Some modern homes have in-built monitoring systems but if yours doesn’t there are a variety of mobile applications that will do it for you.
WattCost is now available for pre-order in Australia and it tracks your energy usage and solar production.
PowerPal connects your electricity meter with your smartphone giving you a visual map of how much electricity you have used.
The Sense app detects unique electrical signals. If you are having trouble tracking down an energy source that is draining energy this might be a good option for you.
9. Install Solar
One of the best ways to drastically drop your energy bills is by installing solar panels. With government rebates and feed-in tariff incentives, installing solar couldn’t be easier.
By self consuming electricity that your solar panels produce during the day you essentially are not having to pay for electricity at all as you arn’t having to buy it from the grid.
The best way to get solar panels that suit your needs is to get quotes from different CEC accredited solar installers in your area. If your keen to get started, Solar Market offers three complimentary no-obligation quotes to help you find your perfect solar deal.
10. Energy Switch & Save 
Having access to electricity and gas will always be an ongoing lifetime cost, so it’s important that you are getting the best deal possible.
By researching new deals and evaluating your current plan you can stay on top of sneaky extra costs and save yourself a pretty penny too!
Solar Market has a handy little energy comparison tool that allows you to look at the different available energy plans in your area. If you see a better deal than your current plan you can switch on the spot!