As the colder months, approach and we spend more time at home hibernating the odds are that your electricity bills will spike. To avoid this, you can try our top 5 tips to prevent electricity bills rising this Autumn and Winter.
Install a solar power system
Summer has gone, but it doesn’t mean the chance to reduce your electricity bills by installing solar power has.
In fact, due to lower demand for solar installations in Autumn and Winter, you can find a better deal, meaning you can save money on the upfront cost to install and have a quicker return on investment.
Plus, in Australia we’re lucky enough to have a high number of sunlight hours throughout the year, meaning you can reduce your electricity bills and save all year round.
Did you know solar panels perform at their best on a clear sky, cool day – anywhere between 18-25 degrees which can be common in our Australian Autumns and Winters?
Heating and cooling home
Did you blast your air-conditioner throughout Summer? If so, chances are you’ll go from one extreme to another and heat up your home to the point of sweating this winter.
Unfortunately, the harder your air conditioning system or heater must work the more energy it will use. By setting your heating at a steady and comfortable temperature around 18-20 degrees, you can reduce your energy consumption and bills.
Did you know that heating and cooling can make up over 40% of your electricity bill?

Lower hot water usage
Heating and cooling may make up most of your electricity bill, but water heating comes in a close second. By lowering the amount of hot water needed, you can reduce your energy usage substantially. Simple ways to do this can include switching to a cold wash when using the washing machine or dishwasher and shortening the length of time you’re in the shower.
Another way to reduce your water heating costs without having to reduce your hot water usage is by installing a solar hot water system, this way you can heat your water for free.
Seal up and avoid drafts
Draft proof your house and individual rooms by keeping windows and doors closed, as well as purchasing some draft-proofing strips. This way, you’ll avoid the warm air escaping and the chill from creeping in.
The stove and oven are both extremely high energy-consuming ways of cooking but, as the colder nights approach so do the cravings for soups, curries and warm comfort food.
This is where investing in a slow cooker is genius and delicious! Not only do they consume less energy, but you can run a slow cooker during the day when the electricity rates are lower. Plus, you’ll come home to dinner ready to go!
While all these tips will assist in reducing your electricity bills, installing a solar power system is the most effective way and will benefit you all year round for decades!